Keeping Active During Pregnancy

Keeping active during pregnancy is important for both your physical and mental health, as well as the health of your baby. You may be wondering where to start and what is safe for you and your baby. Here are few tips for ...

Plantar Fasciitis –

What is it?  The plantar fascia is a thick band of fibrous tissue which runs from the base of the heel and attaches onto the base of the toes. It plays an important role in normal foot biomechanics by providing suppor ...

Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries suffered during sports such as basketball, netball, volleyball, and football;  Ankle sprain is also likely the least well managed.  In the simplest of terms, Ankle sprain e ...

Five Reasons Acupuncture Is Good For You

While being used in Eastern Medicine for thousands of years, Acupuncture has only recently become a modality regularly used by Western Doctors and Allied Health Practitioners like us Physios.   Why is this? We ...

SIJ – Pelvis/Back/Groin Pain

Physios love an acronym but SIJ is often the most misunderstood and poorly treated area of our anatomy. What is it? The Sacro-Iliac Joints are where you pelvis bones (ilia) join the base of the spine (aka the sacrum). Sa ...