Achilles tendinitis - It won't get better on it's own

Achilles tendinitis – It won’t get better on it’s own

Achilles tendinitis does not fix itself and can get worse. If it’s not managed properly it can progress to a tendinopathy (degenerative change of the Achilles) and greatly increase the risk of a tendon rupture. If you are a male between 40-50yrs old, you are at a higher risk category of a rupture regardless, the presence of Achilles tendinitis further increases the risk.


Physiotherapy is the first line of call for the treatment of Achilles tendinitis, we can assess what has caused the overloading and inflammation of the Achilles (eg. incorrect alignment of your foot, hips or tight calves -/+ lower back involvement ). Physiotherapy will address these issues and help facilitate healthy functional healing of the Achilles.

Book now to get Achilles problem fixed!