Ankle Sprains

Ankle Sprains

Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries suffered during sports such as basketball, netball, volleyball, and football;  Ankle sprain is also likely the least well managed.  In the simplest of terms, Ankle sprain encompasses all acute conditions in which there is damage to the ligaments in your foot.  The severity gradings and hence prognoses of the injury vary greatly.

What are ligaments, what do they do and how long do they take to heal:

Ligaments are tough bands of connective tissue which run between two bones holding them together.  Ligaments help to provide stability to the joint and prevent bones from separating.  Sprained ligaments can take can take up to 4 to 6 weeks to heal depending on the severity of the sprain.


The different types of Ankle Sprain – 

Lateral ankle (outside of ankle) sprains are the most common ankle injury and result in damage to the calcaneofibular ligament (outside of your ankle) and anterior talofibular ligament (front of your ankle). Medial ankle (inside of ankle) sprains are much less common as the medial ligaments are significantly stronger and more stable than the lateral ligaments.


How does Ankle Sprain occur:

Ligament sprains occur when a joint is forced into an end of range position which results in stretching and tearing (depending on severity) of the ligament fibres.  Complete ruptures of the ligaments can also result in dislocation of the ankle joint.  Sprains often occur while playing sport and result from sudden changes in direction on an uneven surfaces or if an athlete jumps and lands on another players foot.

What can I expect after a sprain:

Depending on the severity of the sprain you can expect pain through the outside of your ankle and swelling through the outside of your foot.

Initially sprains should be managed with:

Rest (avoiding walking and painful movements).

Ice:  Helps to manage swelling and pain

Compression:  Helps to manage swelling

Elevation:  Helps to manage swelling

Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory medication:  Helps to manage pain and swelling – Consult your pharmacist or GP medications

Physiotherapy:  Will help to correctly diagnose the severity of the sprain, and can help to decrease pain and restore movement.

Ligaments can take up to 4 to 6 weeks to completely heal, the team at Le Physique provides a guided rehab, strapping and treatment plan from your first consultation. Don’t risk causing permanent damage and compromise your range of motion for life, stop hobbling and start being treated.